If you read nothing else on my blog please read this! This isn’t just a catchy headline but yes you are drinking this liquid poison every day and this is setting you up for failure. This is the one thing my daughter and I found out what the issue was that was keeping us from losing weight despite our workout efforts.
Here it is . . . and I’m sure you have heard this before. This poison is . . . LIQUID SUGAR!!!!
That’s it and that is the one thing that is keeping us from losing weight. Think about it. This stuff is everywhere. In Soda, Ice Tea, Gatoraide, Apple Juice, . . . . COFFEE CREAMER!!!! Yeah that is my downfall.
I’m sure you spoke with your doc too at some point and I’m sure they have told you about this. It’s ok I didn’t listen either. I thought that regular sugar was better than that artificial sugar. What I learned was that what happens is when you drink liquid sugar is that it goes straight into your blood stream. While other things you eat like fruit, doughnuts, candy, etc. gets digested and gradually released. Your body also has the chance to get rid of excess sugar too, but I’m also not suggesting that you eat a whole box of doughnuts either lol.
Our dietician basically said that the excess sugar builds up in the blood stream, and your body can only stay ahead of it for so long. Then what happens, your body stores more fat, your energy tanks, and you feel just blah.
So . . . on top of continuing to work out . . . we started our hard stop journey to cut liquid sugar!