Here is the thing that you should realize. When you’re starting your journey to get fit or exercise more it has it’s own developmental stages. Just like people.
At its infancy is when your journey is the most at risk. Why? Well because you have no knowledge of what you’re doing. Plus you see others who are doing more complex exercises. Most people see this and allow this to discourage them. By doing this you set yourself up for failure.
Here is the mindset at this stage that you should adopt. SHOW UP! That’s 90% of the battle. The other 10% is to change your view. Just like the toddler who is trying to walk they use the people around them as inspiration. Think about it. The toddler who is trying to walk will fall, but they get back up. They get back up until they master it, because they see others around them who are walking. IF THEY CAN DO IT I CAN DO IT, IT JUST TAKES TIME!