Remember every exercise and every little bit makes you stronger. As long as you’re doing the motion and engaging in the workout you’ll get it and get better.
Remember the AMRAP stands for as many rounds as possible in the time frame. Wallballs take a medicine ball and squat then throw it up against the wall catching it into a squat. Burpies are evil but so good at the end, from a standing position put your hands on the ground and jump your legs into a plank. Russian swings is using a weighted kettle bell and really engages the core, along with the power cleans and dead lifts.
The goal is to use an average weight for you and get more rounds in. Also it is essential that these rounds are not meant to do unbroken. Meaning it is expected that at some point you will stop and take a break. When you start getting tired be sure to do each movement in counts of five. Do five or ten then take a breather. Compete against only yourself, and you’ll succeed.