What is an AMRAP?!

An AMRAP is what I like to call X minutes of death . . . in this case thirty minutes of death. Well in reality is means As Many Rounds As Possible. LOL so you can imagine the phrase X minutes of death. Now granted I started this blog about a year or so into […]

Four tips to lose weight right now!

Tip 1: You can never out exercise a poor diet. While yes every now and again it’s ok to treat yourself with junk food and even fast food. Although you will start naturally gravitating away from those. I can only speak from experience about how I feel after I eat some kind of value meal. […]

Certainly Not Perfect, but trying to make changes

Following the pandemic and even before the pandemic my oldest and I struggled with our weight, self esteem, and body image. We started exercising together and are both striving to get healthier. I’m sure there are a number of other father’s and mother’s out there who are in the similar situation. I decided to put my […]