Delicious Fish with a Lemon Butter Sauce. Teenager approved.

I have to say I’m amazed what I find online. After all there are a lot of great resources.

The recipe that got the status “Make it again” from the kids.

This recipe is a fresh fish and lemon butter sauce. You can choose any white fish that your family likes. I am always partial to haddock. My youngest and I also went on a trip to the farm and got the fresh green beans.


The fish: Pan fry on medium to medium high heat. Heat 2 table spoons of oil. Prior to cooking the fish: dry with a paper towel, cover it with salt, pepper, and flour to taste. This surprisingly kept the fish together and gave it a nicer golden brown look. Cook on each side for at least one minute and 30 seconds. For the larger pieces, I cooked it longer.

The lemon butter: the base is 4 tablespoons of butter and 1 table spoon of lemon juice. Melt the butter and whisk the lemon juice in for about 3 minutes on medium heat. I actually tripled this in the picture above and it was way too much.

The resource I found:

The one thing I struggled with like most other people is I know what the problem is. I want to eat healthier and get into better habits, but I don’t know how. Plus in today’s day and age I find myself running all over the place. This means I need to be more mindful about what I’m going to prepare. The link below will take you to the site where you can have these recipes sent to your email. It’s actually three books, and I’m going to be trying them out in the near future.